Wednesday, February 3, 2016

The Man the Myth the Miguel

By: Stephen Conway

Miguel Playing his favorite instrument.
What Miguel prefers to do in his free time, sleep.
Contemplation at its finest.
Miguel whipping up some food.
Stephen Conway is here with his friend Miguel, who is a freshman at Avila University. Avila is the first college that Miguel has been too and he says he enjoys it throughly. Miguel says that he chose to come to Avila because it is close to his home and it is just the right size for himself. Miguel is from Liberty Missouri so it is not a excruciating drive for him if he is feeling home sick. Miguel is planning on majoring in vocal performance because of his passion for singing and producing music. Music has impacted Miguel since he was a child and is what he wants to do for the rest of his life. Rumors around campus say that Miguel has the deepest voice out of every other student. Miguel lives on campus in carondelete hall with one other roommate named Vinny. In his first semester of college, Miguel had a roommate who he didn't enjoy living with due to cleanliness, hygiene, and other personal reasons so Miguel is happy Vinny is his new roommate. Even though Miguel doesn't play a sport in college he loves to compete in the many different intermural sports that Avila has to offer. When Miguel isn't in his dorm room studying theres a good chance you will see him shooting pool down in the eagles nest or catching a workout in the Mabee field house. If you ever get a chance to have a conversation with Miguel Roman you will learn that he is a nice respectable person that would do anything for you. One of Miguel’s greatest fears is weakness, Miguel says that weakness and failure go hand in hand. Miguel doesn't like that idea of losing and he prides himself by aways finding ways to put himself in a winning position. One thing that Miguel believes strongly about is that not all stories need happy endings, what he means by this is that not everything we do is going to work out the exact way we want them too so we must perceiver and move on. One thing that Miguel regrets in his life is anytime that he has quit or didn't stand up to make his case so that his voice was heard. Miguel believes that walking away from things is the same as taking a loss. On a less serious side Miguel shared a few words in his vocabulary that he overuses such as “swag” or “dope”. Miguel’s reasoning behind saying these words are because those word have became so cliche and annoying to people that its funny when it bothers them.

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